Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Lent: Day 7 // Call Me Maybe

{Lent} Day 7:

40 acts // Redial // We think the humble telephone may possibly be the most neglected appliance in our households. Almost ornamental, in fact. Your act today is simple: pick up the phone and reconnect with someone you've not spoken to in a while. It might be a best friend, a distant relative, or just someone you've lost contact with. Give the phone call the time and space it needs - devote your attention to reconnecting with someone today.

Communication by j_iglar - Two people talking on the telephone to each other, retro
{photo credit:}

Unfortunately, I did not manage to do this today because I was literally too busy.. how sad is that?? I'll spare you the mundane details, but it did make me think about how many people there are in my life that I would love to call and absolutely need to just slow down and make the time to make it happen! I will write a list of the people I WANT to call, as opposed to a check list of people/companies I NEED to call. So apologies for lack of results today, but tune in again tomorrow for the next instalment of doing Lent generously. On the plus side, I did do the Live Free challenge below! :)  

Live Free 
// Go through all your clothes and give away those that you no longer wear or need by either donating them to charity or selling them on eBay and donating the proceeds #BeFree #LiveFree.


Hope your Lent efforts are still going strong!


Ronell x

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; 
as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 
By this all will know that you are my disciples, 
if you have love for one another."

{John 13: 34 – 35}

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