Thursday, 13 June 2013

A21 Campaign // Welcome a Survivor Home!

The A21 Campaign posted the following on their Facebook today:

When we rescue girls from the sex trade, we welcome them into our transition houses to begin healing. Would you consider writing an encouraging letter to a survivor? Here’s how:

We would love for you to write a letter or card to the girls in our shelter. Address your letter along the lines of "Dear Beautiful" or "Lovely," and write an encouraging note that places value and worth upon the girls.
In the contents of your letter, be sure to refrain from stating your own beliefs or talking too much about your job or lifestyle, as these girls have all come from differing backgrounds and deserve to be respected and not made to feel bad about their situations. Obviously, they have been through a lot, and we ask that in your letters you do not claim to understand their situations or try to relate to what they have been through.
Please end your letter by signing with your first name only, and do not include any personal details. These letters are for the purpose of encouragement and support.
These letters can be mailed to the Greek Office.

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