Sunday, 6 October 2013

Coach Extramural Activities {Mandela Day} 33 / 67 ways to change the world

As promised on Mandela Day 2013 (19.07.13), this is part of my series on their 67 suggested ways of changing the world. This one comes under the category of 'Become an Educator':

33. Coach one of the extramural activities the school offers. You can also volunteer to coach an extramural activity the school doesn’t offer.
I am a Primary School teacher and am lucky to teach at a school that offers many different extracurricular activities for the children. Education is so much more than sitting in a classroom and reading, writing, maths, science, etc. It has to teach student life skills and interpersonal skills and most importantly, about themselves- who they are, what they are capable of and what they love. 

This is where extramural/extracurricular activities come in! Maybe you can offer your skills in sport, drama, art, public speaking, cv writing- pretty much anything!- and see whether the school would like to use your skill. If there are no skills you feel you can offer to start up a club, why not ask if you can volunteer to help someone who can? 

Or perhaps there are no opportunities for this in your local schools, but you could get involved at a local community centre or a 'big brother/ big sister' programme (also see my post on mentoring).


Ronell x

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