Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Make a Food Parcel {Mandela Day} 30 / 67 ways to change the world

OK so I took a little break from it, but as promised on Mandela Day 2013 (19.07.13), this is part of my series on their 67 suggested ways of changing the world. This one comes under the category of 'Help Out for Good Health:

30. Create a food parcel and give it to someone in need.
Often we can feel like we all we can do to help anyone is to donate money to an organisation, but this is not the case! There are so many little (and big) practical ways in which we can help others! Today's suggestion is to put together a food parcel for someone in need. There are many more ways in which you can do pretty much the same thing. You could put together a parcel of clothes for a family with a new baby or with a lot of children. You could put together a back pack of school supplies for a family in need who have a small child starting school. The possibilities are endless! The best part? You can probably find most of what you need in your cupboards and in storage and you probably wouldn't even need to spend any money!


Ronell x

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