Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Her father threw her off a bridge

Not for Sale reported the following story:

All we know is that her father threw her off a bridge.
The border of Myanmar and Thailand is laden with drug use. Parents force their children to beg in order to supply their addiction to opium. Not only are these children stateless, unrecognized by either government, but they are often enslaved by their own parents.
Maybe he was high or drunk. Maybe she didn’t come up with enough money to supply his next fix. Maybe she had become an inconvenience to him. We don’t know; all we know is that he threw her off a bridge.
Border guards often look the other way. Stateless people are of no concern to them. But in this moment, one border guard saw what happened and jumped in after the girl. He rescued her and she was taken to Not For Sale Thailand, where she has a family, rehabilitation, education, and hope for the future.
It took one person taking an unexpected action to save this girl’s life. One person is all it takes to bring a child from vulnerability and exploitation to love and opportunity. We know you would jump in after her too. You can be that one person for a vulnerable child.
A donation of $280 provides care for a rescued child for an entire year. Together, we can offer sustainable recovery to children otherwise vulnerable to exploitation. Your action counts. Join us today.

This one man's decision to step outside of the norm changed this girl's fate and literally saved her life! How can you step out of your comfort zone today to change the world?
Ronell x

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