Monday 3 December 2012

Christmas Gifts that keep giving: The Autism Site Store

This year, I have a young boy in my class who has ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder). He is absolutely gorgeous and has a completely hilarious sense of humour! He has adjusted to school beautifully and is making excellent progress. That is not by my doing- I have a fantastic team of people that I work with! I know I could not do it on my own. And I think that is the point that many people miss about working/living with a child that has some kind of special need: no matter how well they are doing, no matter how incredibly rewarding and successful some days are, and no matter the level of planning and organisation you put in, the fact stands that there will be days or times when things will not go according to plan and you will need a break!

This little boy’s mum is an absolute inspiration! And as wonderful, active and proactive she is, the sleepless nights, his siblings, and the pressures that come with  all of this do wear on her and sometimes she just needs a break. She is extremely fortunate that she has an involved and supportive husband, sister and parents that help out when that time comes. This is not the case for everyone…

On The Autism Site Store (Greater Good Network), every item you buy pays for therapy and research. This helps to fund research, therapy, or give much needed respite to families. You can buy items that particularly raise awareness about autism, or you could perhaps directly sponsor/fund the following things:

All children are hard work at times, but children with autism can be extremely challenging in situations that we consider to be simple, every day situations. So support autistic children and their families who are caring for them buy buying from this site, or donating online!


Ronell x

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” {Matthew 11v28}

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