Wednesday 20 March 2013

God Leads Us Gently

Today, I was wrestling with a situation and I felt prompted to wait with my response, so I did. When I wrote it, it was very confident and assertive, but I felt God telling me to be gentle. I listened, and what a difference it made!

When I opened my internet browser to read Joyce Meyer’s daily online devotional this evening, it was on the same topic! I thought I would share.


Ronell x

{by Joyce Meyer}

He will feed His flock like a shepherd: He will gather the lambs in His arm, He will carry them in His bosom and will gently lead those that have their young. —Isaiah 40:11
When God speaks to us and guides us, He doesn’t scream at us or push us in the direction in which He wants us to go. No, He leads us, like a gentle shepherd, inviting us to follow Him to greener pastures. He wants us to get to the point where we are so sensitive to His voice that even a little whisper of caution is enough to cause us to ask, “What are You saying here, Lord?” The minute we sense Him directing us to change what we are doing, we should promptly obey Him. If we sense a lack of peace concerning something we are doing, we should stop and seek God for His direction.
Proverbs 3:6 says that if we will acknowledge God in all our ways, He will direct our paths. Acknowledging God simply means having enough respect for Him, enough reverential fear and awe of Him, to care what He thinks of our every move.
A good way to start each day would be to pray:
“Lord, I care about what You think, and I don’t want to be doing things You don’t want me to do. If I start to do anything today that You don’t want me to do, please show me what it is so I can stop it, turn away from it, and do Your will instead. Amen.”
God’s word for you today: Care more about what God thinks than anything else.

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