Saturday 30 March 2013

The time is now!

I received this email today from an organisation called Christian Concern. I thought it summed up our roles and positions as Christians over this Easter time. Please take the time to read it and to support Christian Concern in any way that you are able to.


Ronell x

The time is now…

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 
(Romans 10:14)

At this time of year we remember Jesus' victory as he died for our sins on the cross and rose again. But it’s becoming more and more difficult for people to hear of Jesus Christ in public life. I believe this is why Christian Concern is being called to walk alongside the champions of religious freedom across the world. Since the beginning of this year, as well as tackling the many challenges we face here in the UK, we’ve been encouraging like-minded Christians in Australia, the United States and Europe – yet we’re barely into Spring!

This is why we urgently need your help

There is a window of opportunity for us to take action, not just to share our experiences with other nations, but to bring the UK government to recognise that its continued marginalisation of Christian faith is unravelling the social fabric of our nation. The door is being closed on our ability to freely share the gospel – what a loss for our nation!

A few weeks ago I was in Strasbourg, preparing for the defence of a number of Christian religious freedom cases before the  European Court of Human Rights. Some of the people I spoke to were astonished at how the United Kingdom, once the shining example of religious freedom and tolerance, had become so aggressive towards the exercise of simple Christian freedoms. We were able to gain some legal ground during these cases which is wonderfully encouraging as we appeal to the Grand Chamber, the outcome of which will have implications not just for the UK but for the whole of Europe.

Simple freedoms we have taken for granted are now under threat. Freedoms such as the right to wear a cross at work…to speak of one’s faith when invited to do so…to hold to the Christian definition of marriage…to stand for the rights of the unborn child…to foster children…to share the gospel on the streets…to practise as a Christian counsellor.

I have just returned from Australia where I had the privilege of sharing with MPs a little of what is tragically happening in our Country. Many, who have a heart for the UK, were visibly shocked by what they heard.

We must stand for gospel freedom – for God’s glory and the good of our nation. Help us keep the door open for the gospel this Easter by making a donation today. Every penny you give will count towards proclaiming Jesus in our nation’s public life.

Thank you so much for all your support so far, we could not do this without you.  

Andrea Minichiello Williams
CEO, Christian Concern, Christian Legal Centre

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